The Cholesterol Lie Review
                                                          "Cholesterol is NOT the
                                                           cause of heart disease.
Inflammation is the REAL cause !"
                                                              Dr. Dwight Lundell



My Sitemap


  • After 5,000 heart surgery patients, Dr. Dwight Lundell, author of The Great Cholesterol Lie, finds that inflammation is the real cause of heart disease.

  • Cholesterol medicine: We should educate people on proper diet, exercise and weight loss, not on cholesterol testing, cholesterol lowering drugs and doctors visits !

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  • Would you like to cure heart disease ? Discover what the cause of heart disease is ? Heart disease can be cured according to top heart surgeon Dr. Dwight Lundell.

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  • Heart disease and cholesterol: It's a scientific fact that cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease. Read report by Dr Dwight Lundell.

  • Heart disease inflammation: Check out why Dr. Dwight Lundell says that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease.

  • Dr Dwight Lundell, a top heart surgeon, says that before you start taking, or if you're already taking, statin heart disease medication, your should stop ! WHY ?

  • High cholesterol and heart disease does not have to be a death sentence. You can beat it without harmful medications and painful, risky surgery.

  • Heart inflammation is the one common denominator in every heart disease patient. Inflammation and heart disease go together ! Find out why HERE

  • Would you like to know how to prevent heart attacks ? "Heart inflammation is the one common denominator in every heart disease patient," says Dr. Dwight Lundell.

  • "Inflammation and heart disease go together as inflammation is the one common denominator in every heart disease patient," says Dr. Dwight Lundell author of The Great Cholesterol Lie.

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  • According to Dr Dwight Lundell, heart inflammation is the one common denominator in every heart disease patient.

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  • What causes heart disease ? Dr. Dwight Lundell, author of The Great Cholesterol Lie, says heart inflammation is the one common denominator that causes heart disease.

You must read this before
taking statins

You can prevent and cure heart disease !


Reverse the damage that's been done without statin medication !