Inflammation is damaging your health
And, it can be
easily treated !
Dropping your Cholesterol Levels will NOT lower your risk of
heart disease, attack or strokes!

Dr. Dwight Lundell
Check Dr. Lundell's credentials below before you decide whether he
is worthy of your trust....
25 years as a
Cardiovascular and
Thoracic Surgeon
He has performed Over
5,000 Heart Surgeries
Pioneer of "Off Pump"
Heart Surgery reducing
surgical complications and
recovery times.
He's in the Beating Heart
Hall of Fame
Phoenix List Top 10
Doctors for 10 years
Served as Chief
at the University of
Arizona and Yale University
Hospitals and later served
as Chief of Staff and Chief
of Surgery

This Book has been written by one of the
world's most respected heart experts ,
Dr Dwight Lundell.
It's a result of Case Studies proving Heart
Inflammation is The REAL Cause of Heart Disease and Inflammation is
easily treated !!
Sold in the United States and in 17 other
countries !
You're about to
discover a medical fact about heart inflammation that will change your life from this moment
The Great Cholesterol
Lie, by Dr. Dwight
Lundell, brings a health message about
inflammation and, inflammation in general, which is
critically important and long overdue.
Dr. Lundell holds
nothing back, revealing his
love of medicine and his speciality - the heart.
After 25 years and over 5,000 open-heart
surgeries, this downloadable book has a
straight forward plan, with extraordinarily
simple steps, that ends constant worry about
how to heal your heart.
And, to do so naturally without statin
Lundell empowers the reader to take charge of their health by understanding heart inflammation
and how it causes heart disease.
over 5,000 open heart surgeries, Dr. Lundell reports that he saw only one common denominator in
every patient - heart inflammation. (for further
information see the video below)
According to Dr. Lundell, cholesterol is NOT the cause of
heart disease and dropping your cholesterol levels will
NOT lower your risk of Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Or Strokes!
He goes on to say that before you start taking, or if you are already taking,
Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, Mevacor, Provachol, Altocor, Lesacol... or any other statin medication
- you should STOP!!
"Cholesterol is NOT the cause of heart disease," said Dr. Lundell. "In my
career as a cardiac surgeon, I've performed over 5,000 heart surgeries. Most of these could have
been easily prevented had the patients been given the right information," he said.
The Great Cholesterol
Lie is undoubtedly the most important book ever
written about cholesterol, heart disease and inflammation.
Millions of people will have a heart attack this
year. Will you be one of them ?
Do you know that....
Heart disease does not have to be a death sentence. You can beat it without harmful
medications and painful, risky surgery.
Statin medications will NOT reduce your risk of heart disease. Dr Lundell advises what
If cholesterol causes heart disease, why has heart disease soared year after year
despite trillions of statins dispensed and taken by over 25% of Americans? After all,
isn't the test for any drug the success it has upon the condition for which it was
You should forget everything you have heard about low fat diets, saturated fats,
cholesterol and the causes of heart disease.
"Heart Inflammation is the real reason millions
die every year from heart disease ! It's the REAL cause of heart disease and is easily
treated," said Dr. Lundell.
What is inflammation? It's simply your body's natural, physiological response to
protect itself from a foreign substance but under the right set of circumstances, it can
literally turn against you in your arteries setting up a chain reaction of events with deadly
Dr. Lundell proved, beyond any doubt, that YOU can cure heart disease! When you follow his simple,
proven, health changing program, you'll STOP - and REVERSE the heart inflammation that's
damaging your arteries causing heart disease.
It really is that
And he's written The Great Cholesterol Lie to show you
Here's a great video where Dr. Lundell speaks about heart
It's well worthwhile watching....
Click here to go to
the Official Cholesterol Lie website